Corporate Positioning 

  • Help you protect and enhance your reputation, particularly during critical times 
  • Monitor media coverage and social media conversations to identify communications opportunities, assess competitor and industry landscapes and identify critical issues
  • Train your leaders to be effective spokespersons 
  • Recommend speaking and writing opportunities, awards and recognitions, trade shows, events, strategic partnerships and other initiatives to help you engage with and persuade important publics

Content Development and Distribution

  • Draft, edit, translate and adapt website and social media content, story angles, speeches, press releases, byline articles, presentations, sales materials, annual reports and other promotional and informational materials 

  • Find what is truly newsworthy about you, and disseminate that news to the media, bloggers and other influencers

Communications Outsourcing

  • Help assemble and train your internal and external communications executives, ensuring teams are leveraging the latest technologies, tools and protocols 
  • Draft requests for proposal for communications services and evaluate prospective agencies
  • Help prepare proposals and compete in private and public sector bids
  • Help your executives leverage LinkedIn and other social media to position themselves and your organization